QA Dashboard

NHLDS and CDC strengthen Laboratories

Uganda through National Health Laboratories and Diagnostics Services (NHLDS) Department under the MoH work together to strengthen the Lab sector through the SLMTA program.

As a...

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UNHLS Quality Assurance Mandate & Objectives

External Quality Assurance

UNHLS conducts & regulates regular comparison of a laboratory’s testing to a source outside the laboratory, a process known as EQA. This process ensures and assures laboratory customers (physicians, patients and health authorities) the ability of laboratory...

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Laboratory QA Standards

Quality standards are an integral part of the quality system. These aim at ensuring safety and consistency. They need to be followed to meet regulatory requirements as well as monitor functioning of the laboratory.


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Mentorship Support & Supervision

Mentorship of labs is implemented by trained Mentors and Auditors. SLMTA/SLIPTA mentorship is conducted on-site and comprises of the following;

• Equipping laboratory personnel with knowledge and skills to improve and...

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Capacity Building

To address the paucity of accredited laboratories in Uganda, the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) established a stepwise approach for laboratories to attain the required standards. This approach supports laboratories at all levels through a series of...

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Featured Activity / Project
Feb 25, 2020

Dissemination of QA Results


For efficiency and effectiveness, this option requires  establishment of a reliable internet access and running of an online National EQA data management portal with...

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Featured Success Story
Jan 18, 2020

Journey To Functionalize The Uganda National Accreditation...

Uganda is in the process of establishing its own accreditation body (UGANAS) in order to reduce accreditation costs while also improving regional capacity to improve trade and product quality. The Ministry of Health is currently working with the JCRC/SPHLS project, MOTIC`s National...

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Upcoming Activity

Mentorship at Amuria General Hospital

The mentorship was about supporting staff to transition documents to the new ISO 15189:2022.

Jun 15, 2024 | Amuria | View

BRM Training

BRM Training

Jun 10, 2024 | Nansana | View

BRM Training

Biorisk Management Training for medical laboratory professionals from AIC supported sites.

Jun 09, 2024 | Ngora District | View

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